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How Leaders can Create Belonging through Purpose, Meaning, and Hope

07 September, 18:00 (GMT +3)

Саньїн Сян

Dr. Sanyin Siang

Sanyin Siang helps leaders optimize their unique strengths and build super > teams for enduring and next level success. She works with boards, top corporate CEOs, sports industry leaders, tech founders and students. Recognized by Thinkers50 as the World’s #1 Executive Coach & Mentor and one of the world’s 50 top management thinkers globally, Sanyin brings a unique combination of practitioner sensibility, academic grounding, and patterns for leadership success drawn from work with leaders across a diversity of sectors and industries.

Sanyin leads Duke University’s Coach K Leadership & Ethics Center at the
Fuqua School of Business and is a professor at Duke's Pratt School of
Engineering. With more than 1 million followers on LinkedIn, her thought
leadership has been featured in NYTimes, WSJ, Forbes, Fortune, HBR, and
Inc. She write The Last Word column for Dialogue Review
and is host of The Sports Leadership Institute’s Conversations with
Legends. She is an advisor for GV (formerly Google Ventures), The Congressional Award, Privateer, and Ripcord.

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