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Routes to market and service design

07 December, 18:00 (GMT +3)

Нік Коутс

Nick Coutts

Nick is a Visiting Tutor in Service Design at the Royal College of Art (UK). An expert in the design, development and marketing of services, he has developed tools, process and services that help companies go to market more effectively and efficiently and organisations to maximise the value of their resources: people, time and equipment.
At IBM, Nicholas was Director of Channels and Business Partner Management, EMEA, with a revenue of more than $3bn in sales via business partners and then Vice President, Global Distribution Channel Strategy. This role included the development and application of the methods and processes used by the brands, known as Routes to Market, to reach and support customers via the network of 48,000 business partners. His team grew sales via distribution channels to over $4bn.
For the past four years, Nicholas has been working with ETICoop – a programme to help startups in rural areas in France. A member of INCOSE – The International Council on Systems Engineering, he is also the chair of the enterprise committee of the Society of Projectics: the science of projects addressing complexity in organisations; and an editor of the Journal of Projectics.
He has a Masters in Economics, from King’s College, Cambridge and has interests in several early stage companies developing innovative products and services, including Claned, Smartology (chairman), Repindex, and Waratek. He is a member of the team developing a methodology for tracking infringement of design rights for the Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO). He is co-founder of Axiomode which has developed new techniques and software for the systemic management of work, change and value in organisations.
Current and recent education roles include: Visiting Lecturer at Imperial College, Euncet Business School Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Imperial College Business School, Ecole Supérieure of Advanced Industrial Technologies, Aalto University and the University of Tampere.

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